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Introducing: The Property Investing FastTrack Day
Saturday 23rd February 2019 | London, UK
Event Timings: 9.15am Registration, 5pm Finish
The Property Investing FastTrack Day Is Hosted By
Paul Preston
Paul Preston Is a Guinness World Record Holding and Industry Award Winning Speaker. 

As a Property Expert and Mentor he has helped Thousands of people achieve Financial Freedom through Property by using none of their own money and Teaching How To Get Houses For Free
The Property Investing FastTrack Day
A Snapshot Of What You Will Learn 
No Deposit Needed
People don't know that you can actually get houses without the need for a mortgage and deposit! That's right... without the need for a mortgage and deposit! Sounds too good to be true? Let me show you how YOU can as well! 
Make a Great Profit
Make money when you sell right? NO!!! A proper investor makes money when they BUY! I will show you how to make a minimum of £1,000 PROFIT from each house.
Where To Find Them
You may not realise, but these properties that make you £1,000 are all around you. You probably walked past 10 today alone! I will show you exactly where you can find them.
What To Say
What on earth do you say to a landlord, an agent or a seller? This is the most overlooked aspect of property investing. If you don't know what to say you WILL NOT do deals. 
Why Now?
It's not the right time to buy property. Says who? Terry from the pub who doesn't invest? The green grocer? Your Taxi Driver? Ignore all of them. NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO INVEST! And I will show you why. 
Lessons From A Billionaire
Want to be a Millionaire? Then you need to think like a Billionaire. I will be sharing some of the tips I personally learnt with my 1-2-1 time with one of my mentors, Sir Richard Branson.
What Have Our Students Said About The Event?
Session #1 - How to Get Your First Property Deal
What If You Could:
  • Get a Property without the need for a mortgage and deposit
  •  Make £1,000 Per Month Profit From Each House
  •  Know Exactly Where You Can Get These Deals
  •  Have More Coming In Than You Can Handle!
The first session will take you through exactly how you can get your first High CashFlow Property Deal that will earn you £1,000 per month, every single month - Without ANY EXPERIENCE AND NONE OF YOUR OWN MONEY!!!

If you're looking at starting your own Property Business in 2017 then this first session will show you the perfect 'low risk' strategy.
Session #2 - How to Grow Your Property Portfolio
In The Next 12 Months:
  •  Grow Your Property Business
  •  How To Do It With ZERO Experience
  •  How To Systemise Your Business So It's Hands Free
  •  Build Up A Passive Income So It's Set And Forget!
Now you know how to get properties without the need for a mortgage and deposit, The second session will teach you how to go from being a 'Part Time' property investor to a Full Time Professional Investor and give you steps to leave your full time job in the next 12 months!

If you're looking to become completely Financially Free and take charge of your Financial Future this session will show you the steps you need to take to leave your job in the next 12 months like the countless students we have taught so far.
Are You Excited Yet?
Who Are You Learning From?
Paul has a £multi Million property business with over 100 units. He has been able to move to his True Passion, teaching others to achieve the life they want and deserve! 

Paul has spent time creating the perfect environment for accelerated learning with a successful community of like-minded investors all there to help and support each other. 

With Paul's honest and relatable approach to speaking and education he has been fortunate to share stages with some of the biggest names in the industry, most recently in April 2016 where he was able to share his story with thousands of people at the National Achievers Congress. 

In September 2016 Paul's hard work over the last 5 years paid off being crowned 'UK Speaker of the Year' for the Second Year Running - something that has never been done before. He also made it a double for the night receiving the Prized 'Product Showcase Of The Year' for his impeccable work with his Elite Mentorship Programme.  

As always, Paul doesn't take the credit for these accolades and sends all the praise to his dedicated Mentorship Partners who have trusted Paul's knowledge and guidance to push themselves to the next level. 
Why You NEED To Come To The Property Investing FastTrack Day!
Have You Ever Felt Like You Deserve More In Life? 

Are You:
  • Frustrated? 
  •  Stressed? 
  •  Demotivated? 
  •  Sick of just EXISTING?
  •  Hurt knowing life is meant for more than this?
Let me make something very clear... You're not alone! That I can guarantee.

5 years ago, believe it or not, I was cleaning Toilets on £6p/hour. Now I know that sounds a bit 'unbelievable' and I'm sure a few of you reading this just muttered the words 'Yeah, right'. 

And I get that. 

If you had told me 5 years ago I would be a Millionaire Property Investor, Property Mentor and Award Winning Global Speaker I would have thought you were on drugs! Because it seemed too far away from me at the time. 

And you might be able to relate to that at the moment as well... that your dreams are just too far away. Almost, out of reach. 

But let me take you back 5 years. 

I was a self made millionaire, owning my own recruitment company which employed over a dozen staff, having my dream Porsche, having the nice holidays and all the 'stuff' that I thought was important. 

Enter the recession. 

I lost everything. 

Not just the business and my money, but everything. 

My pride, my confidence, my self respect... everything. 

Now don;t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with cleaning toilets, it's a noble and very physically tough job and I have the upmost respect for anyone that does it. But it wasn't for me. 

I KNEW there was more to life. 

I was scraping by and just feeling sorry for myself. I don't know if you've ever tried the strategy of feeling sorry for yourself and blaming everything and everyone but yourself, but it doesn't get you far!

So I had a choice to make... in fact... it's the same choice you need to make right now while you read this. 

You need to make the choice... 

Are you willing to Settle for 'that' life. You know the one I'm on about. The life that is just OK. 

If you want to settle for that, that's fine and I respect that. But there are a few things you need to be aware of if you do. You need to know that you will always have that niggling voice in the back of your head saying the 2 most hurtful words...

'What If.......'

They say the definition of Hell is at the age of 90 seeing the person you COULD have been. Can you settle with that? 

The other choice you can make right now today, is to go for it. Make that commitment to yourself and your loved ones around you to not settle for second best. To achieve your wildest dreams and live the lifestyle that enables you to be in control and take back your time!

To know that in 12 months time you can be sat on a beach, the warm ocean lapping at your feet with a cocktail in your hand knowing that you have a Property Business that runs on autopilot giving you this lifestyle. 

If you are in, then you are ALL IN!

There are no half measures in achieving your dreams. 

This will be hard work, this will take time, this is NOT get rich quick, this IS a Get Rich forever... and I WILL help you get there.

Together, we will get you there. 

But you need to take that first step. 

Make the decision to change everything now. 

Life can be whatever you want it to be, the only question I have for you is are you ready to take action and start to build the life you want and the life you deserve? 

What have you got to lose? 

But what have you got to gain?

Register for the Property Investing FastTrack Day and make that first step to your new life. 
Event Details
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington.

Date - Saturday 23rd February 2019

Registration - 9.15am
Finish Time - 5pm
So.... Are You Coming To The Property Investing FastTrack Day? 
  • What Is The Property Investing FastTrack Day? 
The Date For This Property Investing FastTrack Day is 23rd February 2019
  • Why Is This Event Free? 
That's a great question! This event is free because I have a mission to change as many lives as I can in my time on this planet. I am also looking for new people to work with on my Mentorship Programme and Advanced education events, and this is a great chance for you to see how I can help you before you commit. 
  • Will My Ticket Be Sent To Me?
Your ticket will be emailed to you closer to the event. We don't send out physical tickets. All you need to do is print it off or bring it with you on your smart phone and/ or tablet.
  • Is This Event Right For Me? 
Do you want a better life for you and your loved ones? If you answered YES to that, then this event is a MUST for you.... See you there ;)
  • I Can't Make The Date? 
Busy? Make yourself free! Watching the football? Watch the highlights! Getting Married? Get married on the Sunday! :) Whatever you need to do, make sure you're here. I cannot stress how life-changing these strategies are. They took me from a toilet cleaner on £6p/hour to a Property Millionaire in less than 5 years! Exactly, imagine what you can do! Make it happen. 
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1. Introduction 1.1 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors; in this policy we explain how we will treat your personal information. 1.2 [By using our website and agreeing to this policy, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy.] 2. Credit 2.1 This document was created using a template from SEQ Legal ( You must retain the above credit, unless you purchase a licence to use this document without the credit. You can purchase a licence at: Warning: use of this document without the credit, or without purchasing a licence, is an infringement of copyright. 3. 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© 2017 Property Success • 1. TERMS By accessing the website at you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. 2. USE LICENSE 1. Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Property Success 's website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: 1. modify or copy the materials; 2. use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial); 3. attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Property Success's website; 4. remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or 5. transfer the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server. 2. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Property Success at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format. 3. LIMITATIONS In no event shall Property Success or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Property Success 's website, even if Property Success or a Property Success authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you. 4. ACCURACY OF MATERIALS The materials appearing on Property Success 's website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Property Success does not warrant that any of the materials on its website are accurate, complete or current. Property Success may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. However Property Success does not make any commitment to update the materials. 5. LINKS Property Success has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Property Success of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk. 6. MODIFICATIONS Property Success may revise these terms of service for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service.